Sunday, November 1, 2009


Every year Dylan goes trick or treating in Notten Road. This year he got to take his sister along...

Here Fire Chief Dylan is about to start the mad sweet dash!

Larissa gets right in with all the action!!

I just love this photo of Larissa with her skirt all snarled up in her wings.

30 minutes later and that bag was packed with sweets!

Granny comes to stay

My Mom recently came to stay with us for 2 weeks so that she could attend Grandparents Day at Dylan's school. Dylan was so excited and spent weeks practising his songs. In this photo, Dylan has lost sight of Granny and enlists Ronan's help in the search for her .

Larissa has taken to calling Granny "Mom". Rather intelligently, she hears me call my mom "Mom" and copies me. Here is a cute picture of the girls having a little play on the carpet - Larissa and her "Mom"

Photographing children...

Last week we went to "The Pizza Place" with some friends. I decided to take photo of the kids. Actually I took sixteen photos and shockingly, this is the best one for the following reasons

1. It includes at least one eye of every child

2. It includes every child

3. Nobody is crying (yet)

It unfortunately also includes:

1. Chopped off heads

2. Kids chewing with their mouths open

3. Stupid expressions

But hey, we all had fun!!!

Family fun (or not)

Call me a sick bunny, but I can't help myself. Everytime I look at this picture I nearly wet myself laughing! Maybe it is the bemused expression on Larissa's face or perhaps the fact that Dylan is very far out of this shot with just a splash left as evidence... who know's, its still funny!

But to redeem my self somewhat I'll include this really nice photo of Johan with the kids...